DJ Mad Max is working to bridge the gap between old & new school Hip-Hop through his show Sports and Hip-Hop with DJ Mad Max. With his vast Hip-Hop knowledge and unique interview style, he is introducing his generation to the legends that started it all. The show features a wide variety of guest stars including Hip-Hop artists of the past & present, R&B artists, producers/DJs, industry managers, and even pro athletes. When possible guest rappers bless the show with a freestyle. Max likes to mix it up and talk sports with his Hip-Hop guests, and Hip-Hop with his sports guests.

Tuesday Oct 18, 2022
Tuesday Oct 18, 2022
Thank you to Betsy Baker for coming on my show for an interview! Betsy talked about her early life of growing up in Saint Joseph's Michigan, going to Michigan State University originally on a music scholarship, and switching over into theater. She discussed getting the role as Linda in Sam Raimi's classic The Evil Dead, the grueling shoot of the film, and when she realized that the film had become a pop culture phenomenon. She got into stories of being on set, watching Sam Raimi invent the handheld shot shaky cam movement, and the rumors of the cabin being haunted. Betsy revealed that she was supposed to reprise her role as Linda in Evil Dead 2: Dead By Dawn and why she couldn't. She also spoke about reuniting with Sam Raimi on Oz: The Great and Powerful, voicing Linda in Evil Dead: The Game, and her upcoming work in the British Disney Show The Wedding Season. Stay tuned!
Follow me on Instagram and Twitter: @thereelmax.
Website: https://maxcoughlan.com/index.html.
Website live show streaming link: https://maxcoughlan.com/sports-and-hip-hop-with-dj-mad-max-live-stream.html.
MAD MAX Radio on Live365: https://live365.com/station/MAD-MAX-Radio-a15096.
Subscribe to my YouTube channel Sports and Hip Hop with DJ Mad Max: https://m.youtube.com/channel/UCE0107atIPV-mVm0M3UJyPg.
Betsy Baker on "Sports and Hip-Hop with DJ Mad Max" visual on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E7AT1KDP2NI.

Friday Oct 14, 2022
Friday Oct 14, 2022
Shoutout to Detroit's own Detroit Barbie for coming on my show for an interview! Detroit Barbie talked about her new manager inspiring her to keep going with her music career, going to formal dancing school with P. Diddy's son Christian Combs, and relocating to Atlanta to make bigger connections. She discussed her passion for old school 90's Hip-Hop, why female emcees can benefit from having a male ghostwriter, and studying all genres of music. She also got into wanting to create a whole mixtape dedicated to 2Pac, her upcoming samples mixtape, and what her fans can expect from her debut album. Stay tuned!
Detroit Barbie's music is available on all platforms, including Apple Music: https://music.apple.com/us/artist/detroit-barbie/1578760117.
Follow Detroit Barbie on Instagram: @officialdetroitbarbie and Twitter: @barbiedetroit
Shoutout to Lnyce for connecting us! Follow Lnyce on Instagram and Twitter: @lnyce
Follow me on Instagram and Twitter: @thereelmax.
Website: https://maxcoughlan.com/index.html.
Website live show streaming link: https://maxcoughlan.com/sports-and-hip-hop-with-dj-mad-max-live-stream.html.
MAD MAX Radio on Live365: https://live365.com/station/MAD-MAX-Radio-a15096.
Subscribe to my YouTube channel Sports and Hip Hop with DJ Mad Max: https://m.youtube.com/channel/UCE0107atIPV-mVm0M3UJyPg.
Detroit Barbie on "Sports and Hip-Hop with DJ Mad Max" visual on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9ThjE1Rk5Ko&t=3s.

Wednesday Oct 12, 2022
Wednesday Oct 12, 2022
Shoutout to Norwalk, Connecticut's own up and coming filmmaker Alex Morsanutto for coming on my show for an interview! Alex talked about his new short film Operation: Cavity, winning awards for Hi-Glow Retro at film festivals, and creating his own production company Silvermine Productions. He discussed originally wanting to pursue baseball with a baseball scholarship, transferring to NYU's Tisch School Of The Arts, and working for ABC News right out of college as a journalist. He spoke about why he decided to pursue a full-time filmmaking career instead of journalism, diving into the horror genre, and being inspired by Ridley Scott's classic Alien. Alex also got into directing MLB Hall of Famer David Ortiz in a new commercial, putting together the first ever Norwalk Film Festival, and how he is currently mapping out his first feature film. Stay tuned!
Go checkout Alex Morsanutto's new short film Operation: Cavity on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K7VqNAFk-GU.
Go checkout Alex Morsanutto's website for all of his film and commercial work: https://www.alexmorsanutto.com/.
Follow Alex Morsanutto on Instagram and Twitter: @ajmorsanutto
Follow me on Instagram and Twitter: @thereelmax.
Website: https://maxcoughlan.com/index.html.
Website live show streaming link: https://maxcoughlan.com/sports-and-hip-hop-with-dj-mad-max-live-stream.html.
MAD MAX Radio on Live365: https://live365.com/station/MAD-MAX-Radio-a15096.
Subscribe to my YouTube channel Sports and Hip Hop with DJ Mad Max: https://m.youtube.com/channel/UCE0107atIPV-mVm0M3UJyPg.
Alex Morsanutto on "Sports and Hip-Hop with DJ Mad Max" visual on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WZmNcJ-3uPI.

Wednesday Oct 12, 2022
Wednesday Oct 12, 2022
Thank you to Richmond, Virginia's own Jazz and Hip-Hop group Butcher Brown for coming on my show for an interview! Butcher Brown talked about their new album Butcher Brown Presents Triple Trey, meeting at Virginia Commonwealth University Health, and #KingButch being their first official studio album. They discussed making their albums in the studio vs. performing their work live, deconstructing big band jazz and reshaping it into solar music, and signing to Concord. They also got into their Tiny Desk experience, their cover of Little Richard's Rip It Up being used for the theme song of Monday Night Football in 2020 and 2021, and covering The Notorious B.I.G.'s classic song Unbelievable off of Ready to Die. Stay tuned!
Butcher Brown's new album Butcher Brown Presents Triple Trey is available on all platforms, including Apple Music: https://music.apple.com/us/album/butcher-brown-presents-triple-trey/1629105184.
Go checkout Butcher Brown's website for all of their news, tour dates, and merchandise: https://butcherbrown.com/.
Follow Butcher Brown on Instagram: @butcherbrown
Follow me on Instagram and Twitter: @thereelmax.
Website: https://maxcoughlan.com/index.html.
Website live show streaming link: https://maxcoughlan.com/sports-and-hip-hop-with-dj-mad-max-live-stream.html.
MAD MAX Radio on Live365: https://live365.com/station/MAD-MAX-Radio-a15096.
Subscribe to my YouTube channel Sports and Hip Hop with DJ Mad Max: https://m.youtube.com/channel/UCE0107atIPV-mVm0M3UJyPg.
Butcher Brown on "Sports and Hip-Hop with DJ Mad Max" visual on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NtR0Y1fWVw4&t=1s.

Wednesday Oct 05, 2022
Wednesday Oct 05, 2022
Thank you to St. Louis, MO's own Eric Nenninger for coming on my show for an interview! Eric talked about attending the American Academy of Dramatic Arts in Pasadena, California, his first taste of the entertainment industry as Jared Chirp on The X-Files' Signs and Wonders episode, portraying Cadet Eric Hanson in Malcom in the Middle, and playing Scott Braddock in Jeepers Creepers 2. He told stories of being on set and his experience at the premiere of Jeepers Creepers 2. He got into his love for comedies and stage acting. Eric discussed being apart of CSI's first violent and gory episode, Captain Dave "Captain America" McGraw being the role that he is most proud of throughout his career, and his monologue scene leading Don Draper to retire in Mad Men. Eric also gave advice on how to deal with depression as an actor, what he thinks he needed to master in the craft of acting to become an acting coach, and gave a preview of the upcoming season 2 of HBO's Winning Time: The Rise of the Lakers Dynasty, in which he plays Keith Erickson who was the color commentator for the Lakers during the Showtime Lakers era.
Follow Eric Nenninger on Instagram and Twitter: @ericnenninger
Follow me on Instagram and Twitter: @thereelmax.
Website: https://maxcoughlan.com/index.html.
Website live show streaming link: https://maxcoughlan.com/sports-and-hip-hop-with-dj-mad-max-live-stream.html.
MAD MAX Radio on Live365: https://live365.com/station/MAD-MAX-Radio-a15096.
Subscribe to my YouTube channel Sports and Hip Hop with DJ Mad Max: https://m.youtube.com/channel/UCE0107atIPV-mVm0M3UJyPg.
Eric Nenninger on "Sports and Hip-Hop with DJ Mad Max" visual on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=70FN3DKgfxE.

Wednesday Sep 28, 2022
Wednesday Sep 28, 2022
Shoutout to Florida’s own CEO Plus for coming on my show for an interview. CEO Plus talked about growing up in New York and moving to Nuremberg, Germany, racism in the United States vs. Germany, and seeing Wu-Tang Clan perform locally in New York neighborhoods when he was younger. He discussed getting involved in the youth gang the killer bees, going to jail, and taking courses on how to become a CEO of a business during his sentence. He got into building his own independent label Plus Entertainment, having his own landscaping and ice cream businesses, and giving back to the community. He mentioned that he recently met with Roc Nation to possibly do business with them to help promote one of his upcoming singles. CEO Plus announced that he will be doing more shows and dropping new singles soon. Stay tuned!
CEO Plus’ music is available on all platforms, including YouTube: https://m.youtube.com/channel/UCQAzejnUeMrWu6HqRB2zDSQ and Apple Music: https://music.apple.com/us/artist/ceo-plus/1639726925.
Follow CEO Plus on Instagram: @ceo_plus
Shoutout to Lnyce for connecting us! Follow Lnyce on Instagram and Twitter: @lnyce
Follow me on Instagram and Twitter: @thereelmax.
Website: https://maxcoughlan.com/index.html.
Website live show streaming link: https://maxcoughlan.com/sports-and-hip-hop-with-dj-mad-max-live-stream.html.
MAD MAX Radio on Live365: https://live365.com/station/MAD-MAX-Radio-a15096.
Subscribe to my YouTube channel Sports and Hip Hop with DJ Mad Max: https://m.youtube.com/channel/UCE0107atIPV-mVm0M3UJyPg.
CEO Plus on "Sports and Hip-Hop with DJ Mad Max" visual on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ouE4vBGiD3g.

Wednesday Sep 28, 2022
Wednesday Sep 28, 2022
Shoutout to Los Angeles R&B singer Dayna Madison for coming on my show for an interview. Dayna talked about her new single Penny Pinching, wanting her debut album to showcase her authenticity, and being a classically trained dancer. She discussed dancing for Disney, her long-term career goals, and what she thinks the key to longevity in the music industry is. Stay tuned for what Dayna Madison has on the way!
Dayna Madison’s new single Penny Pinching is available on all platforms, including Apple Music: https://music.apple.com/us/album/penny-pinching-single/1642924188.
Follow Dayna Madison on Instagram and Twitter: @_daymadison
Shoutout to Lnyce for connecting us! Follow Lnyce on Instagram and Twitter: @lnyce
Follow me on Instagram and Twitter: @thereelmax.
Website: https://maxcoughlan.com/index.html.
Website live show streaming link: https://maxcoughlan.com/sports-and-hip-hop-with-dj-mad-max-live-stream.html.
MAD MAX Radio on Live365: https://live365.com/station/MAD-MAX-Radio-a15096.
Subscribe to my YouTube channel Sports and Hip Hop with DJ Mad Max: https://m.youtube.com/channel/UCE0107atIPV-mVm0M3UJyPg.
Dayna Madison on "Sports and Hip-Hop with DJ Mad Max" visual on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hXGBkCbZ7ho.

Wednesday Sep 28, 2022
Wednesday Sep 28, 2022
Thank you to Atlanta’s own Sol Messiah for coming on my show for an interview. Sol Messiah talked about his upcoming album GOD CMPLX that is dropping on all platforms this Friday, joining the legendary Rock Steady Crew, and working with music producer Dallas Austin back in the day. He discussed working with Madonna, TLC, Boyz II Men, and Monica. He got into becoming the main collaborator with Sa-Roc, why female emcees are not categorized with male emcees, and the elements of Hip-Hop not being taught in schools in America like they are in Europe/overseas.
Sol Messiah’s new album GOD CMPLX is available for pre-order on Apple Music: GOD CMPLX by Sol Messiah https://music.apple.com/us/album/god-cmplx/1628847957.
Follow Sol Messiah on Instagram and Twitter: @solmessiah
Follow me on Instagram and Twitter: @thereelmax.
Website: https://maxcoughlan.com/index.html.
Website live show streaming link: https://maxcoughlan.com/sports-and-hip-hop-with-dj-mad-max-live-stream.html.
MAD MAX Radio on Live365: https://live365.com/station/MAD-MAX-Radio-a15096.
Subscribe to my YouTube channel Sports and Hip Hop with DJ Mad Max: https://m.youtube.com/channel/UCE0107atIPV-mVm0M3UJyPg.
Sol Messiah on "Sports and Hip-Hop with DJ Mad Max" visual on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u5P6S_EAnbQ.

Wednesday Sep 21, 2022
Wednesday Sep 21, 2022
Thank you to North Memphis' own R&B artist J.Howell for coming on my show for an interview! J.Howell talked about his new album Honest, the deeper meaning behind the album title, and his thoughts on people not being Honest. He discussed the Memphis music scene, relocating to Atlanta, and Tank giving him important advice. He got into his friend leading him to his school choir teacher at the age of 7, the full-circle moment for him and his family when his music dreams were starting to come true, and not wanting to sign a major record deal for the look of it. He also talked about his independent label JTP Productions, still wanting to develop as an artist each day, and being on his RedRoom tour still. Stay tuned!
J.Howell's new album Honest is available on all platforms, including Apple Music: https://music.apple.com/us/album/honest/1640592553.
Follow J.Howell on Instagram and Twitter: @jhowellmusic1
Follow me on Instagram and Twitter: @thereelmax.
Website: https://maxcoughlan.com/index.html.
Website live show streaming link: https://maxcoughlan.com/sports-and-hip-hop-with-dj-mad-max-live-stream.html.
MAD MAX Radio on Live365: https://live365.com/station/MAD-MAX-Radio-a15096.
Subscribe to my YouTube channel Sports and Hip Hop with DJ Mad Max: https://m.youtube.com/channel/UCE0107atIPV-mVm0M3UJyPg.
J.Howell on "Sports and Hip-Hop with DJ Mad Max" visual on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I-wTxvoiOd0.

Thursday Sep 15, 2022
Thursday Sep 15, 2022
Thank you to Cameroon and the DMV's own Big Hookz for coming on my show for an interview! Big Hookz talked about his new song No Wait, his book From the Music to the Money, and Str8team Entertainment's partnership with Universal Music Group. He discussed the difference of making it in the music industry in Germany vs. the United States, PnB Rock getting killed during a robbery, and his song Haters. He got into losing fans when switching up his style of music, working with pharmacy companies and bio medicare, and his collaboration with Styles P. Stay tuned for what Big Hookz has on the way next!
Big Hookz's music is available on all platforms, including YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/user/STR8TEAM and Apple Music: https://music.apple.com/us/artist/big-hookz/377052040.
Follow Big Hookz on Instagram and Twitter: @bighookz
Shoutout to Lnyce for connecting us! Follow Lnyce on Instagram and Twitter: @lnyce
Follow me on Instagram and Twitter: @thereelmax.
Website: https://maxcoughlan.com/index.html.
Website live show streaming link: https://maxcoughlan.com/sports-and-hip-hop-with-dj-mad-max-live-stream.html.
MAD MAX Radio on Live365: https://live365.com/station/MAD-MAX-Radio-a15096.
Subscribe to my YouTube channel Sports and Hip Hop with DJ Mad Max: https://m.youtube.com/channel/UCE0107atIPV-mVm0M3UJyPg.
Big Hookz on "Sports and Hip-Hop with DJ Mad Max" visual on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4roOY_WyjS0.