DJ Mad Max is working to bridge the gap between old & new school Hip-Hop through his show Sports and Hip-Hop with DJ Mad Max. With his vast Hip-Hop knowledge and unique interview style, he is introducing his generation to the legends that started it all. The show features a wide variety of guest stars including Hip-Hop artists of the past & present, R&B artists, producers/DJs, industry managers, and even pro athletes. When possible guest rappers bless the show with a freestyle. Max likes to mix it up and talk sports with his Hip-Hop guests, and Hip-Hop with his sports guests.

Thursday Nov 17, 2022
Thursday Nov 17, 2022
Shoutout to Memphis, Tennessee's own FBG Goat for coming on my show for an interview! FBG Goat talked about his new album Pendleton, changing his name from FBG Baby Goat to FBG Goat, and being a 5 star recruit linebacker out of junior high school. He discussed working with Future, Young Thug, and Tory Lanez. He got into why he believes hard work beats talent, how Hip-Hop artists should carry themselves during these tragic times, and wanting to get Drake on a remix of his song Misled. Stay tuned!
FBG Goat's new album Pendleton is available on all platforms, including Apple Music: https://music.apple.com/us/album/pendleton/1652531073.
Follow FBG Goat on Instagram: @fbggoatt and Twitter: @fbggoat
Follow me on Instagram and Twitter: @thereelmax.
Website: https://maxcoughlan.com/index.html.
Website live show streaming link: https://maxcoughlan.com/sports-and-hip-hop-with-dj-mad-max-live-stream.html.
MAD MAX Radio on Live365: https://live365.com/station/MAD-MAX-Radio-a15096.
Subscribe to my YouTube channel Sports and Hip Hop with DJ Mad Max: https://m.youtube.com/channel/UCE0107atIPV-mVm0M3UJyPg.
FBG Goat on "Sports and Hip-Hop with DJ Mad Max" visual on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oGQRAVDvxzM&t=1s.

Monday Nov 14, 2022
Monday Nov 14, 2022
Shoutout to Smyrna, Delaware and North Carolina's own Lean Guapo for coming on my show for an interview! Lean talked about transitioning from playing basketball to becoming a Hip-Hop artist, being influenced by Andrè 3000, and his upcoming track with Dusty Locane in the works. He also got into how he plans to move due to the recent Hip-Hop artists that have been murdered, not being a fan of a lot of the newer artists out now, and his upcoming EP. Stay tuned!
Lean Guapo's music is available on all platforms, including Apple Music: https://music.apple.com/sc/artist/lean-guapo/1583994604.
Follow Lean Guapo on Instagram: @leanguapo
Shoutout to Lnyce for connecting us!
Follow Lnyce on Instagram and Twitter: @lnyce
Follow me on Instagram and Twitter: @thereelmax.
Website: https://maxcoughlan.com/index.html.
Website live show streaming link: https://maxcoughlan.com/sports-and-hip-hop-with-dj-mad-max-live-stream.html.
MAD MAX Radio on Live365: https://live365.com/station/MAD-MAX-Radio-a15096.
Subscribe to my YouTube channel Sports and Hip Hop with DJ Mad Max: https://m.youtube.com/channel/UCE0107atIPV-mVm0M3UJyPg.
Lean Guapo on "Sports and Hip-Hop with DJ Mad Max" visual on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t5pZ4CV2Bjg.

Monday Nov 07, 2022
Monday Nov 07, 2022
Big thank you to NBA TV and Turner Sports' own Emmy Award winning sports broadcaster Ro Parrish for coming on my show for an interview! Ro Parrish discussed his career in broadcasting, getting a degree in Radio/TV & Film at the University of North Texas in Denton, and his journey to NBATV. He reflected on winning his Emmy Award and that the Ro Parrish legacy is just beginning. He talked about being a retired DJ, DJing a Beyoncé concert, and his thoughts on the current state of Hip-Hop. He listed his top 5 rappers/emcees of all time. He gave his thoughts on the cancel culture, the Malice at the Palace Netflix documentary, and the Knicks' moves this offseason bringing in Evan Fournier & Kemba Walker. He also announced his acting debut for a BET production coming very soon, in which he is playing himself. Stay tuned!
Follow Ro Parrish on Instagram and Twitter: @roparrish
Follow me on Instagram and Twitter: @thereelmax.
Website: https://maxcoughlan.com/index.html.
Website live show streaming link: https://maxcoughlan.com/sports-and-hip-hop-with-dj-mad-max-live-stream.html.
MAD MAX Radio on Live365: https://live365.com/station/MAD-MAX-Radio-a15096.
Subscribe to my YouTube channel Sports and Hip Hop with DJ Mad Max: https://m.youtube.com/channel/UCE0107atIPV-mVm0M3UJyPg.
Ro Parrish on "Sports and Hip-Hop with DJ Mad Max" visual on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E6gDe0qdmb0&t=1s.

Wednesday Nov 02, 2022
Wednesday Nov 02, 2022
Shoutout to Dallas and Oak Cliff, TX's own Jayson Lyric for coming on my show for an interview! Jayson talked about his new Midnight Rambler EP, his distribution deal with Asylum Records through Warner Music, and the unfortunate death of Takeoff. He discussed his Homecoming video, Self Love receiving praise from Meagan Good, La-La Anthony, and Jazmine Sullivan, and why self love is more important than others' validation. He also got into opening up for Nipsey Hussle, putting together NHouse Penthouse Productions, and how Midnight Rambler is preparing him for his 2023 music run. Stay tuned!
Jayson Lyric's new Midnight Rambler EP is available on all platforms, including Apple Music: https://music.apple.com/us/album/midnight-rambler/1649322219.
Follow Jayson Lyric on Instagram and Twitter: @jaysonlyric
Follow me on Instagram and Twitter: @thereelmax.
Website: https://maxcoughlan.com/index.html.
Website live show streaming link: https://maxcoughlan.com/sports-and-hip-hop-with-dj-mad-max-live-stream.html.
MAD MAX Radio on Live365: https://live365.com/station/MAD-MAX-Radio-a15096.
Subscribe to my YouTube channel Sports and Hip Hop with DJ Mad Max: https://m.youtube.com/channel/UCE0107atIPV-mVm0M3UJyPg.
Jayson Lyric on "Sports and Hip-Hop with DJ Mad Max" visual on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aQiC6BH0WcE.

Monday Oct 31, 2022
Monday Oct 31, 2022
Huge thank you to legendary director Joe Dante for coming on my show for an interview! Joe discussed his passion for movies starting at a young age by going to the movie theaters, his love for classic Horror films, and how he started working with Roger Corman. He talked about directing The Howling, wanting to cut down the iconic werewolf transformation scene, and originally promoting this film as a slasher. He got into directing his iconic film Gremlins, in which Steven Spielberg sent him the script in the mail. He told the stories of when he knew that Howie Mandel was the perfect voice for Gizmo and why he wanted Kate's monologue scene to be in the film. Joe then got into why he didn't want to make Gremlins 2: The New Batch, the technology being easier to use the Gremlin puppets in this film, and the references to Lon Chaney Sr.'s face reveal in the 1925 The Phantom of the Opera and Rambo. He talked about the upcoming animated Gremlins: Secrets of the Mogwai that will be airing on HBO Max soon and the upcoming Roger Corman biopic that he is currently working on. We went over his contributions to the Horror genre, Horror films that impressed him recently, and he gave great advice on what makes a great Horror sequel.
Go checkout Joe Dante's podcast called The Movies That Made Me, it is available on all podcasting platforms: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-movies-that-made-me/id1412094313.
Follow Joe Dante on Twitter: @joe_dante
Follow me on Instagram and Twitter: @thereelmax.
Website: https://maxcoughlan.com/index.html.
Website live show streaming link: https://maxcoughlan.com/sports-and-hip-hop-with-dj-mad-max-live-stream.html.
MAD MAX Radio on Live 365: https://live365.com/station/MAD-MAX-Radio-a15096.
Subscribe to my YouTube channel Sports and Hip Hop with DJ Mad Max: https://m.youtube.com/channel/UCE0107atIPV-mVm0M3UJyPg.
Joe Dante on "Sports and Hip-Hop with DJ Mad Max" visual on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2yt5gx__0Js.

Thursday Oct 27, 2022
Thursday Oct 27, 2022
Thank you to Judith O’Dea who played Barbara in George A. Romero’s 1968 classic Night of the Living Dead for coming on my show for an interview! Judith talked about getting a call to audition for the role of Barbara less than a year after moving out to California from Pittsburgh, how her fear of Vincent Price in House of Wax 1953 prepared her for her performance in Night of the Living Dead, and the barriers that the film broke with casting the first black actor as the lead in a horror film, Duane Jones. She discussed how the time period that the film was shot in relates to the political tensions that are escalating today, learning a lot from George A. Romero on set, and getting worked up for her ad-lib scene where her character recalls what happened at the cemetery. She also got into the story of the prop of the corpse at the top of the stairs in the film, going to the premiere, and stories from being on set with the other cast members. Judith also spoke about her short story that she wants to see made into a film called The Old Woman and the Alien and Night of the Living Dead’s upcoming 55th anniversary next year.
Judith O’Dea’s short story The Old Woman and the Alien is available on her website O’Dea Communications: http://www.odeacommunications.com/2017/book.html.
Follow me on Instagram and Twitter: @thereelmax.
Website: https://maxcoughlan.com/index.html.
Website live show streaming link: https://maxcoughlan.com/sports-and-hip-hop-with-dj-mad-max-live-stream.html.
MAD MAX Radio on Live365: https://live365.com/station/MAD-MAX-Radio-a15096.
Subscribe to my YouTube channel Sports and Hip Hop with DJ Mad Max: https://m.youtube.com/channel/UCE0107atIPV-mVm0M3UJyPg.
Judith O'Dea on "Sports and Hip-Hop with DJ Mad Max" visual on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iivrVXfxU44.

Monday Oct 24, 2022
Monday Oct 24, 2022
Thank you to Ira From Staten Island for calling into my show to discuss the New York Jets being 5-2 this season so far, Breece Hall's devastating injury, and that everything is up to Zach Wilson now to prove that he is the franchise quarterback that we have been in search of since Joe Namath.
Follow me on Instagram and Twitter: @thereelmax.
Website: https://maxcoughlan.com/index.html.
Website live show streaming link: https://maxcoughlan.com/sports-and-hip-hop-with-dj-mad-max-live-stream.html.
MAD MAX Radio on Live 365: https://live365.com/station/MAD-MAX-Radio-a15096.
Subscribe to my YouTube channel Sports and Hip Hop with DJ Mad Max: https://m.youtube.com/channel/UCE0107atIPV-mVm0M3UJyPg.
Ira From Staten Island on "Sports and Hip-Hop with DJ Mad Max" visual on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W0nQV_OFlrM.

Monday Oct 24, 2022
Monday Oct 24, 2022
Shoutout to one of the top horror YouTube channel personalities Mak Ralston aka "Haunt Former" for coming on my show for an interview! Mak talked about when his love for Halloween began, starting out doing haunts, and building his platform Haunt Former. He discussed going to Spirit Halloween starting in 2006 and their in-store themes/animatronics lacking the past few years. He got into how his video on Gemmy Animatronics brought awareness to the company and hoping that they will eventually make products how they used to be. He spoke about his upcoming haunt, his book Kamuffins: A Horror Anthology of Just Desserts, and his thoughts on Halloween Ends. Stay tuned for all things Halloween on Mak's channel "Haunt Former"!
Mak Ralston aka "Haunt Former"'s book Kamuffins: A Horror Anthology of Just Desserts is available on Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/Kamuffins-Horror-Anthology-Just-Desserts/dp/B0BFTWJGYG.
Subscribe to Mak Ralston aka "Haunt Former" on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/c/HauntFormer.
Follow Mak Ralston on Instagram: @makralston and Twitter: @hauntformer
Follow me on Instagram and Twitter: @thereelmax.
Website: https://maxcoughlan.com/index.html. Website live show streaming link: https://maxcoughlan.com/sports-and-hip-hop-with-dj-mad-max-live-stream.html.
MAD MAX Radio on Live365: https://live365.com/station/MAD-MAX-Radio-a15096.
Subscribe to my YouTube channel Sports and Hip Hop with DJ Mad Max: https://m.youtube.com/channel/UCE0107atIPV-mVm0M3UJyPg.
Mak Ralston aka Haunt Former on "Sports and Hip-Hop with DJ Mad Max" visual on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EhbUiu2Nd9g.

Monday Oct 24, 2022
Monday Oct 24, 2022
Thank you to the Bronx and Texas' own Allen Danziger for coming on my show for an interview! Allen talked about portraying Jerry in Tobe Hooper's 1974 classic horror film The Texas Chainsaw Massacre, attending City College in New York, receiving his masters in psychology and second masters in social work at the University of Texas. He discussed what made Tobe Hooper a genius when it came to filmmaking, working with him on Eggshells, and stories from his shoots on the set of The Texas Chainsaw Massacre. He got into becoming close with Gunnar Hansen, who portrayed the original leatherface, after the film released, having a newfound appreciation for the horror genre, and going to conventions in 2003. He also talked about if his character/voice will be in Gun Media's upcoming Texas Chainsaw Massacre Video Game and his most recent film work for Storage Locker and Cannibal Comedian. Stay tuned!
Go checkout Allen Danziger for Texas Chainsaw Massacre memorabilia and more: https://chainsawjerry.com/.
Follow Allen Danziger on Instagram and Twitter: @chainsawjerry
Follow me on Instagram and Twitter: @thereelmax.
Website: https://maxcoughlan.com/index.html.
Website live show streaming link: https://maxcoughlan.com/sports-and-hip-hop-with-dj-mad-max-live-stream.html.
MAD MAX Radio on Live365: https://live365.com/station/MAD-MAX-Radio-a15096.
Subscribe to my YouTube channel Sports and Hip Hop with DJ Mad Max: https://m.youtube.com/channel/UCE0107atIPV-mVm0M3UJyPg.
Allen Danziger on "Sports and Hip-Hop with DJ Mad Max" visual on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5Pn_26zDzTQ.

Monday Oct 24, 2022
Monday Oct 24, 2022
Thank you to actor and stuntman C.J. Graham for coming on my show for an interview! C.J. Graham talked about his early life of growing up in Seattle, Washington, his time in the army, and getting the role as the iconic Jason Voorhees in Friday the 13th Part VI: Jason Lives. He discussed how he never did a stunt or an acting gig before he played Jason, being the general manager and chief operating officer of a casino and resort in Los Angeles. He got into doing shows and photoshoots with Rock and Roll legend Alice Cooper, in which Alice Cooper did the songs for the Jason Lives soundtrack. C.J. spoke about his friendship with Kane Hodder, originally supposed to be reprising his role as Jason in Friday the 13th Part VII: The New Blood, and thoughts on Tom McLoughlin's script pitch for the 13th Friday the 13th film. He also talked about Sylvester Stallone and Prince coming into his resorts as well as becoming close friends with Lou Ferrigno.
Follow C.J. Graham on Instagram: @c.j.graham
Follow me on Instagram and Twitter: @thereelmax.
Website: https://maxcoughlan.com/index.html.
Website live show streaming link: https://maxcoughlan.com/sports-and-hip-hop-with-dj-mad-max-live-stream.html.
MAD MAX Radio on Live365: https://live365.com/station/MAD-MAX-Radio-a15096.
Subscribe to my YouTube channel Sports and Hip Hop with DJ Mad Max: https://m.youtube.com/channel/UCE0107atIPV-mVm0M3UJyPg.
C.J. Graham on "Sports and Hip-Hop with DJ Mad Max" visual on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2Iz8J8cep7k.